Wine Capsule Flexo Printer Installs RTO
Wine Capsule Flexo Printer Installs RTO
Package Printing
As part of the move into a new facility in Northern California, a rotogravure printer specializing in the production of caps, labels and capsules for the wine industry installed a new 6-color narrow web printing press along with a 15,000 scfm Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer from The CMM Group to destroy the VOCs present in the 125°F press exhaust emissions.
Designed to accommodate the addition of a similar sized press, the CMM RTO can destroy 98% of the ink/solvent VOCs currently produced as well as those generated during the 24 hour per day/7 day per week production schedule planned for the future. With an operating set point temperature of 1,500°F, the unit includes pneumatic switch-type poppet valves as an integral component of the RTO frame and provides a thermal efficiency of 95%.