Wastewater Crystallizers
We supply vacuum crystallizers for the treatment of wastewater with a high contaminant load and for the concentration of raw materials or by products.
Our range of DESALT® crystallizers offers a high versatility, which allows us to adapt to the specific needs and objectives of each client. Our equipment is capable of recovering up to 99% of clean water, which can be reused or discharged according to the limits imposed by law. For its parts, the solid concentrate can be reused as a raw material, recovered as a by-product or sent to management at a very low cost thanks to its high level of concentration.
Crystallization is a highly efficient technology for the treatment of brines and saline effluents and is especially indicated when zero discharge is sought.

Desalt LT DRY
This wastewater crystallizer is especially suitable for applications that require simultaneous concentration and drying in the same equipment, for example:
- Crystallization of brines
- Concentration of exhausted working baths
- Concentration of extracts and fragrances
This model is designed to obtain solid, crystalline, pasty or gelatinous concentrates, as well as to recover raw materials dissolved in the industrial effluent. The process allows the extraction of the product manually or with the help of an optional spindle.
The Desalt LT DRY units crystalllize under vacuum and are of horizontal construction in most cases. They use electrical energy and operate at low temperatures. Its operation is by electric heat pump. It’s a technology with a very compact structure that can be built with materials with high resistance to corrosion if necessary. During the crystallization process, no emissions are generated.
Desalt LT DRY crystallizers can treat effluent volumes ranging from 250 L/day to 1,000 L/day.
Desalt LT VR
Desalt LT VR crystallizers are especially suitable for applications that require the treatment of encrusting liquids, for example:
- Brine treatment
- Treatment of glues, inks and paints, etc.
They are highly efficient equipment for the concentration and crystallization of brines or concentrated fluids that have been previously treated in a vacuum evaporator. In the case of wastewater with a high organic load, a high concentration is obtained, leaving the effluent reduced to a paste.
The Desalt LT VR units are vacuum crystallizers of vertical construction and internal scraper with blades, whose heating is carried out by means of steam or hot water. To guarantee a long, useful life of the equipment, they can be manufactured with highly corrosion-resistant materials in those applications that produce scale, or in which we find high-density aqueous solutions.
Its capacity can range from 500 L/day to 3,000 L/day.
Vacuum Crystallizer Working Principle
Crystallization is a method of separation and concentration of wastewater with a wide range of industrial applications.
During a crystallization process, a solid (crystal or precipitate) is obtained from a homogeneous phase, (liquid or gas). Depending on the application, this solid can be highly pure, so crystallization is also used as a purification process in different industries.
For a crystallization process to be completed successfully, it is essential that the solution to be treated is supersaturated. The difference between the different wastewater crystallization processes are mainly caused by the method by which this supersaturation is achieved. In general, it can be achieved in three different ways:
1) Supersaturation produced by cooling of the solution with negligible evaporation.
2) Supersaturation produced by evaporation of the solvent with little cooling.
3) Evaporation by combination of cooling and evaporation in adiabatic evaporators (vacuum crystallizers).
Completing a successful crystallization is not a simple task and the most critical and important phase is the formation of solid crystals within the liquid solution. During this phase, the solution is concentrated and cooled down until the concentration of the solute is greater than the solubility at the operating temperature. At this moment is when the solute forms nearly pure crystals.
Wastewater Crystallizer Typical Applications
- Management of wastewater with a high contaminant load
- Post-treatment of effluents that have already been managed with other technologies and cannot be discharged yet. After the crystallization process, the water can be reused or discharged according to the current legislation.
- Treatment of wastewater of special complexity, in which traditional technologies are not effective, as often happens with brines.
- Concentration and recovery of raw materials and/or by-products
Vacuum Crystallizer Advantages
- Minimization of the volume of waste that needs to be sent to a waste management company
- Significant savings in costs derived from waste management
- Technology capable of achieving zero liquid discharge
- Guaranteed compliance with current discharge limits
- The need to store large volumes of waste is eliminated
- Reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions that are generated during the transportation of waste
- Absence of reactive chemical agents (except defoamers in some cases)
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